Life is Good (Lavi Dou)
It is very easy to overlook the natural beauty around us as we battle with various difficulties in life. However, much good can result from taking a moment to reflect on the wonders of creation and our existence in this vast universe. Find inspiration and encouragement in the melody and lyrics of this song and remember that even on our hard days “Life is Good”.
Available for streaming & purchase on popular platforms including Amazon, Apple, Spotify and Deezer.
When a Loved One Dies
This song was inspired by the untimely death of a least five members of the Papius family in Jacmel through what appears to be a neurological disorder; the Gaston family, who lost seven (7) members, four (4) of them as a result of cardiovascular disease; and Mr. Alloysious Mathurin, who on his way from work, was killed in a hit-and-run accident.
Available for streaming & purchase on popular platforms including Amazon, Apple, Spotify and Deezer.